Tuesday, June 21, 2011

28 weeks = 7 months!

28 weeks 28 weeks

So... there were two separate people today who suggested I was probably about to deliver. Ha! They were a bit shocked when I said I had a few more months to go. I'm not that big, am I!? I hope this kid isn't a giant. 

What else can I tell you... I've started swelling a bit. I had to take my engagement and wedding rings off this week and I have the beginnings of cankles. I will admit that the cankles make me feel chubbier than the big 'ol belly! 

I spent the last few weeks compiling a summer prego wardrobe... I got several skirts and dresses, two pairs of capris and a few tank tops. I can make lots of my regular tanks work as long as I have a cami or maternity tank underneath. It kind of sucked spending money on all that, but it feels good to have clothes that will keep me cool. I've been SO HOT, even on the cooler days I've been pitting out!

I can't think of anything else new to share, but I thought it would be good to make a quick note of the foods I've been eating a lot this pregnancy. Its been funny... I actually feel like I've been going back to the comfort foods of my childhood. Even ramen noodles were a staple in my first trimester! I've also been digging 'dipper' eggs (over easy eggs), grapefruit, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. In addition to what sounds good - I've been trying to eat lots of protein and in general eat more. I'm thinking the weight gain is going to be right on track this month.

Baby is about 2 1/4 lbs and over 14 inches long! I feel like its moving around less or at least the big movements are less pronounced. Baby has eyelashes and can open and close his eyes, as well as detect light differences outside the uterus. I'm starting to get SO excited to meet this little person! We continue to talk about what we might name the babe, especially pairing middle names with first names. OH! I bought hypnobabies....I know, I'm totally a hippie, but I'm excited to have something TO DO to prepare for the birth. I feel like working on relaxation everyday will be good for my overall health and will hopefully be beneficial during labor too! This story really sold me on it.

1 comment:

Leslie & Lucas said...

You are looking beautiful! And the perfect size . . . people don't know what they are talking about! I can't wait to hear about the hypnobabies -- I'll be coming to you for all the hippie tips when we are ready for a little one! :)