Saturday, January 5, 2013

November Randoms (november 2012)

many of these are totally random, but there are a few in there from Edrie's baby art class. We took the class from Portland Parks and Rec and it was hilarious - babies doing art! it was lots of fun, but I learned that 9am is WAY to early for me to get somewhere and look half-way decent. It was also on Thursday mornings and I often work Thursday nights, which means I sleep all afternoon. It was hard to have something scheduled in my little bit of 'free time' of the day.

There are some cute ones in there of Edrie and her Papa - they are cute and like to watch sports together. And play outside in the rain.

We had a family day and went to the Children's Museum - Edrie loved it. It was so expensive to go just once that we bought a membership - it was only slightly more money than we'd already spent! She has a blast everytime we go.

We spent a freezing november day at the park with Auntie Lindz - way fun but COLD!

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