The past week has been a BLAST! Jon and Jess have been staying with us and we've done a ton of fun stuff! Jess did an amazing job in her dissertation defense and is now ONLY referred to as DR.MEENDERING!
Saturday we threw Stephanie a baby shower and it went off without a hitch...we even made cupcakes that looked like babyfaces! Everyone said we should go into catering...Jess you just let me know and if academia doesn't work out we can be party planners!
After the shower we hung out at King Estate Vineyards...which was so beautiful!! Good wine, too!
Sunday was quite an eventful day...we drove to Portland to go on a hike in the Gorge...apparently it is incredibly windy and cold as hell beware...we were in shorts! It was fun and beautiful though and we were sore for about three days after the hike! When we got back we had a BBQ at my parents house and headed back to Eugene!
The rest of the time Jon and Jess were here we just relaxed...did a little napping by the pool, lots of eating out, and some shopping! I wish they didn't live in Omaha!
At least we get to see them at least two more times this summer!!!!