Friday, August 10, 2012

10 Months


Better get this post up before she is 11 months! Oh man... little lady is growing up too fast already! What to tell you... when she turned 10 months she was most known for her signature has a very cute wrist flap that I'm trying to catch on camera! She also had been getting lots of comments about what a social girl she is. I definitely think its true - her father's daughter for sure! She was also very into toddling all around with TWO adult hands. At the time she'd refuse to do the one handed assist (she's since graduated). I also wrote in my letter to her that it was becoming very apparent how much of what we were saying she understood. If we told her 'no' or 'be gentle' she scrunches up her face and looks upset. If I'd ask her to 'go find papa' she'd start looking around. So awesome...I love that we can communicate! 

I wish I'd gotten this post up 'on time' so I can really recall what she was like three weeks ago. She is changing at an incredible rate lately. Becoming less baby-ish every day. Her personality is becoming more and more apparent and her hair is going from strawberry blonde to straight blonde. So funny...I never dreamed I'd have a blondy! 

Keep up the growing baby girl. We love it!  

1 comment:

jenni said...

It's been way too long!!