update: still not feeling great. went to the doctor and they can't tell us anything before they run nasty tests on stuff that comes out of us...so sick. i have the worst case of creepy crawlies. sounds like we most likely have a parasite of some sort. i'm hoping whatever it is it is something that they can find. being sick and all of this unknown is very not fun/scary.
to make matters worse. while we were gone some moths decided to start procreating in our pantry. eggs, larvae, hatching - SICK! why is this all happening???? we had to throw EVERYTHING out and will bomb tomorrow. so yes on weak stomachs we (read:grant) cleared out our pantry while moths hatched and crawled (really there were only a few so don't picture our house filled and for the record i keep things clean so i have no idea why this happened..)
in other news. i cut my hair. it was necessary. my hair was the longest it has ever been and i had been growing it for almost 2 years. it was a long, uncontrollable, frizzy mop. i think i like the new do... still trying to decide if it makes me look like a boy.
heck no! it looks amazing. Plus if you look like a boy then so do I. PS. Post office was closed so will send off your package on Monday =(
Grant's a veteran when it comes to killing bugs. The same thing happened in the apartment on 18th street. I think it took Grant and Joel a whole day to get everything out of the pantry. I think it all started in the flour we had.
BTW cute hair.
I LOVE THE HAIR - I really love it. Can't wait to talk - miss you dearly!
Love the hair -- it looks amazing. I am so sorry you guys are sick -- it doesn't sound like a fun time at all!! With all the good, there has to be a little bad, but you have lots of celebrate! It was so great to see you guys and be with you on your special day, we hope you feel better soon!!
I think your new do looks great! I bet the change has been nice.
I'm going to put in my vote for "love the new haircut". :)
I love your hair! It is so cute! I'm sorry about the moths and the Mexico sickness. Simon and I have experienced both. We found out that nuts (trader joes trail mix) is always our source. Feel better!
Oh yea! A house husband!! Love it!!!
and YOU Nicole cute as can be!!
Love to ya-
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