Wednesday, January 21, 2009

i long for them

navel oranges have a special place in my heart - so much so that i mentioned them in my wedding vows (which is something i hope to get around to posting)...

even though they are special to me, i never really loved eating them. not sure why... maybe the annoyance of peeling them and how messy i get. or the fear of a sour, or worse - a dry orange.

but ever since we were in omaha i can't get enough of them. every time i walk into the kitchen they are the first thought. i'm in love. 

so weird how i move to the midwest and fall in love with something that is grown on the coasts. they are awesome though. i think i'm going to go have one right now...


katie said...

so, I saw this and thought of your wedding fabric! I promise I'm not a creepy stalker... just in love with your wedding details!

Lacy & Simon said...

I heart clementines! Tummy!