Monday, June 6, 2011

26 weeks!

26 weeks

Nearing the end of the second trimester...OMG that makes it sound like this baby will be here before we know it! I'm definitely getting significantly bigger all the time and finding it harder to be on my feet for long periods. I've been doing lots of walking and trying to stay active though. In general I think I'm still in that honeymoon stage of pregnancy where I sleep well, feel great, and forget there's a baby coming sometimes! I have my moments of fun with bladder leakage and other unmentionable pregnancy symptoms, so its not all fun and games. 

If I'm completely honest the past week has been CONSUMED with stress, because our apartment sucks. I don't want to live here and we just moved in. So annoying. Unfortunately living above an industrial kitchen is just completely uncool and makes the apartment smell like nasty food almost 24/7, which, in turn, makes me feel gross and like our house is disgusting. Its not cool when you can't control the odors of your home! After weeks of painting and getting this place in order we made the tough decision last night that we have to move. Our baby can't be born in a home that smells like raw fish and curry and its mama can't survive her last trimester of pregnancy breathing that crap! I KNOW, RIGHT? Our life is insane. We just couldn't have known ahead of time how intense the smells could get and how constant they are, especially because the landlord downplayed it. In addition, we were told we share the ONE washer and dryer with just one other unit (2 guys). In reality there is only one washer and dryer for the whole building - which is 4 units plus the kitchen staff uses it! WTF! How are we to cloth diaper this babe when we won't have easy access to laundry facilities? and WHY would you lie about that? So anyway...we are crazy and STILL on the hunt for a place to live. We might just become nomads... 

In other news, this babe is GROWING like a weed. IT IS LIKE 2 LBS NOW! That is so amazing to me. The little one also has all five senses fully functional now. The kicks are getting much more often and strong, but we still haven't gotten the timing right for papa to feel 'em. Its my goal to make that happen ASAP. He was gone most of last week so this is THE week! There has been some talk of a baby shower which has me all excited and starting to get my registries in order. I also spent the afternoon with some fellow mamas going to baby consignment stores...SUPER FUN! I can't wait til babe is here so we know if we should get boy or girl themed stuff. I've mostly just been getting lots of onesies, sleep sacks, and hats. Speaking of hats...I'm mildly obsessed with the cuteness of little pilot hats on babes. I found one at the consignment shop and want about 10 more! I also found a bunting thing for over the carseat for only $5!


jenni said...

so sorry you have to move! but glad you get to wear your dresses now, you look great! what site do you think is best to look for rentals? we might be in need...

Jonas and Janelle said...

Moving?! Hope this search goes better...