Sunday, January 6, 2013

Manzanita Weekend (december 2012)


I'm kind of obsessed with this picture - took it while Edrie slept in the Ergo (a rarity these days) on a trip to the beach last weekend. Her cheeks, her lips, those lashes! LOVE it. and its a phone pic - love the iphone for that reason! 

Anyway - we took an impromptu trip to the beach with the McCords and it was awesome. We rented a house in Manzanita with a fireplace, plenty of space, games, and a great kitchen. It was perfect for all the kids and for us to enjoy after they were asleep. We really didn't do anything other than eat, play on the beach, play games, and drink. Perfect. These are absolutely my favorite kind of vacations - just love having a house to come back to! 




Sunday the weather was amazing - clear, sunny, and the temperature wasn't too bad. 


The kids were great - ours didn't sleep well, but other than that they all got along and seemed to have lots of fun. 


Grant was so happy to get some frisbee in! T-shirt at the end of december on the oregon coast. AMAZING! I wish I had been more brave and taken my new camera to the beach with me. I was too scared I'd drop it in the sand or something. 

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