Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Cut Dog and the club

Eric Snyder recently posted about seeing a POS (piece of sh#t) car with The Club protecting it.  After marveling that people still use The Club, he noted the poor quality of the vehicle that so badly need protection against theft.

These pictures of our cutlass offer further evidence that only the nicest cars on the road (yes, the Cut Dog still runs) need The Club to deter thieves.

By the way, my name is Grant.  I am marrying Nicole, and this is my first blog post.  Nice to meet you.


J Manson Squared said...

Grant, Nice to see you on the blog scene....I am right there with you, a fan and loyal user of the club!

J J & j said...

ahahahah - that is too funny. Perhaps the Malibu needs a club - we don't want to it to feel left out - it is such a high quality car and all! Haha

Holly and Everest said...

Grantonius...you always make me laugh. My sister still uses a club on her car when she visits her husband in Seattle because they steal everything up there.

Burton said...

Grant!!! Welcome to the blogosphere. I think you're sending the wrong message with The Club. I mean, isn't the car insured? You're saying you *don't* want people to try to steal it...

SnyderAZ said...

Wow, that is impressive. I can see the need with your car, though... at least you can get dead bodies in a cutlass, or so I have heard. New goal is to take pictures of POS cars with clubs in it! Let me know when you are having another chick-flick night N-woman and I will fly up. I am getting sick of my endless loop of "Sleepless in Seattle" and "You've got Mail. Think I am kidding? No way! Take care, E