Friday, October 31, 2008

Programs Featured, etc...

photo by lauren brooks (who is getting married tomorrow - congrats!)

Style Me Pretty also just featured the joint effort by Jon (mostly) and me (a little) that was our ceremony programs. Abby also emailed me last night asking if she could feature our wedding when we get the photos back -- ummm... YEA you can!

Probably near the end of November/Beginning of December we'll be featured on at least three blogs (love all you nice people who like our wedding!)

I also plan to start doing some posts that chronicle the week and day of the wedding in more detail and also go over some of the projects that I didn't post much about (because i was sneaky like that). This may or may not be something you look forward to, but it will make me happy on two fronts to get some of my thoughts about the wedding out.

1. it will help me come to terms with it all (i, for some reason, have a lot of anxiety surrounding how it all went off - mostly, i think, because it is all very blurry - which may or may not be a result of the amount of alcohol i consumed that day) - don't misinterpret this anxiety as being associated with the fact that i ended up married that day - that is the one thing i have absolutely no qualms about.

2. i try my hardest to journal, but i'm no good at it. blogging fills this void for me so if i get it up here it will be recorded for us to look back on.

so anyway, look forward (or don't) to that...


jenni said...

I am so looking forward to this! How great do you feel that random people loved your wedding!! Also I like your Labels to the right? How do I do that?

nicole said...

oh jenni. thanks! hmmm.. since i'm off work maybe i'll write a post about those labels and if not i'll email you...