when we bought this house we knew we needed some sort of window covering for the sliding glass door. the vertical blinds were going back up over my dead body. (no offense if you have vertical blinds...) we checked out our options and, quite honestly, could afford curtains and that was it. though my mom tells me it is the 'new thing' to do on sliding doors? she may have just been trying to make me feel better...
once that decision was made i had to figure out what the heck we were going to hang up! let me remind you that it was July by this point...there had been a quilt hanging up since May and i was tired of sweating and wearing my sunglasses to dinner (that side of the house faces west). this is becoming a long story. anyway... basically, i looked for fabric i liked - nothin'. G and i spent a few hours in target - nothin'. i stopped in pier one while running errands and found
these. eh. i think i like 'em... this whole decorating this is so stressful for me!
they are kind of expensive for our one-income household and we needed to cover the slider plus three other windows...adds up fast! for each of the windows in the living room i cut one panel in half and hemmed the raw edge. then i bought one more panel for the kitchen window hoping to make a
roman shade.
although i finished hemming... we haven't yet hung the other panels, but i think we are liking the ones on the slider. i am REALLY happy i insisted on getting one of the double curtain rods...the sheers on the second rod hide the fact that it is a slider back there... looks prettier, no??
one downer...i had grant hang the slider ones up and then (after a week..im slow?) realized i had never ironed them. OF COURSE it is now driving me insane and the screws (holding the curtain rod in place) are too tight to get them down...awesome.
with the extra fabric for the kitchen shade (haven't made that one yet...) i covered our stools. these were old and ugly oak stools with no pad on the seat. i primed and sprayed them (spray paint = my new best friend) and then cut a thick piece of quilt batting and a circle of fabric. then i just pulled tight and stapled A LOT.
i think i like 'em. i worry that there will be too much of this fabric in the room. i considered making pillows for the couch too, but i really do think that will be too much.
in other house news...
sunday while i
made bread Grant cleaned up our garage. our attic is all organized with a TON of extra space...more than we ever thought. and the garage is too! it was all to make room for the car... its been COLD here and i wasn't about to go outside if i don't have to. love it!
in the coming weeks we have plans to actually assemble the last 2 chairs to our dining room set. they have only been hanging around since January! i always said i would never be this person...yet you get busy and you have no choice. i am also 2 years behind on printing pictures... i used to have every picture printed, in an album with some framed, and archived within days of taking them!
anyway...i am wordy tonight. i hung out at the state mental hospital for a few hours today... it might have made me a little loopy. we also have a plan for getting my craft room in order and, hopefully, making room for an actual guest bed! we'll keep you posted.
today was my monday and i'm already ready for the weekend... two.more.days.