just as things were turning around i gradually developed a sore throat, headache, and body aches throughout the day today. let me tell you it is really fun to deal with not feeling well while running around like a chicken with your head cut off because recruitment is so successful - 80+ girls have contacted us since last wednesday.
i now have a temp of 100.1 F. a colleague has strep, but i just got tested - its not strep. oh and the doc informed me that if he had seen G & i immediately after mexico he would have put us on antibiotics...we never got anything. and G still isn't 100%.
pray that i wake up feeling better so i dont have to cancel the 3 assessments and 2 meetings i have tomorrow. if you'll remember - i was home sick LAST tuesday so it'd be good not to call in again...
Get better soon! Ummm...I checked out your study site and would totally participate but...the bod pod is totally creeping me out. Like way out, man. That things nutty.
No fun. I hope you are feeling better soon!
I hope you feel better soon! Simon has had the cold for the last week. Today is the first day he is really feeling back to normal. Bummer about the antibiotic news and mexico sickness!
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