Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Baby #2: 20 weeks (June 25, 2014) & 21 weeks (July 2, 2014)

04-2014-06-25 10.10.49

14-2014-07-26 23.51.14

I have been really slacking on writing my weekly posts, so I missed 20 weeks, but got 21 weeks! 

12-2014-07-26 23.52.27

Photo thoughts: No one is mistaking I’m pregnant these days! Getting big!
Size of baby: A Pomegranate! 10.5inches long and 12.7 oz. Baby continues to gulp down amniotic fluid and practice breathing motions and its taste buds are working!
Cravings/Aversions:  Everything sounds good. Trying to be better about eating healthy because I’ve been in a convience rut…just wanting food NOW instead of taking the time to prepare a full meal. LOOOVING caprese salads lately though...
13-2014-07-07 16.52.36

What I'm loving: FULL ON kicks. As in – baby is a trapeze artist flipping around in there. Grant can feel the movements from the outside. Still trying to get Edrie to feel them.

What I'm anticipating the most: Seeing our kids interact. Been thinking more and more about their relationship and how exciting that is going to be to see. Edrie is sooo excited to be a big sister and I can’t wait to see her in that role and how our family evolves with more than one kid to focus on.
Missing anything? Still feeling like it’d be nice to fit into my clothes. I might need to make an underwear/bra/top shopping trip soon. Almost all of my t-shirts are only long enough to cover my belly button and my strapless bra cuts off my circulation. I pulled out a few pairs of underwear that seemed so huge from when I was prego with E and put them on. It was like breathing a sigh of relief.. apparently I was squeezing into my non prego pairs a bit too long.

Worries: Feeling pretty confident everything will be ok. Still a bit concerned about how I will do working up until the end as it is already a bit rough after my stretch. Just sore tailbone, swollen feet, etc. Trying to dispel all my worries about pre-term labor…they are mostly in the back of my mind and I haven’t had much pain from my surgery site so I’m hoping it will hold strong and not give me any troubles.

Differences between pregnancies: Feeling baby’s BIG kicks. Edrie’s placenta was anterior so I don’t think I ever felt her in the way I feel this baby. Its so much more pronounced. I LOVE IT.
How I'm feeling: No big complaints. I wish I was more active – feel a bit lazy lately and I think that is mostly due to how busy we are and me not taking the time to walk/run. Maybe a change is in order soon.
Sleep: Continue to sleep well. Tonight I feel asleep putting E down and now its 3am and I can’t fall back to sleep. Most nights I have no issues though!
Movement: Like I said – its awesome. Baby is such a mover and shaker we saw full on flips when we had our ultrasound last week. Can’t wait for Edrie to feel some!
The Bump: My belly button is almost flush…I think I am still in denial that I am pregnant sometimes. I felt so weird when I was big in the beginning I still have a hard time getting over that and feeling ‘legit’. Probably also due to my major distraction from the pregnancy (i.e. Edrie and house)

Milestones: Tastebuds !! Getting SO BIG!
Names: Thought I should mention some names we are considering. So far our top girl names are Aela (pronounced A-la) and Miri. I love them both but thing that Aela sounds better when paired with Edrie. I might play with the spelling so it makes more sense. Grant likes Miri better but likes them both. For boys we are pretty stumped and our choices change often. Current top runners are Alden and Cohen. We would like to use the middle name of Eugene for a boy but no real middle name thoughts for girls.

Best Moment of the Week: Having Grant feel baby move. That is always so special. He is not one to get too attached before baby comes, but I’ve noticed a general difference in his acknowledgement of the pregnancy lately…must be how big I’m getting. More belly touches, more comments on his ‘pregnant wife’ etc.
Ultrasound: We had our 20 week ultrasound last week and it was SO MUCH FUN to see the baby. It feels like it didn’t even happen. Everything in life feels like that lately – maybe that is a message that I need to slow down. Anyway… Baby was an acrobat and was folded in half tucked REALLY low most of the time. I remember Edrie’s 20 week ultrasound being difficult too. I had to move in all sorts of different ways for the sonographer to see the different organs and he never was able to determine sex. Things were exactly the same for this babe… I think my babies like to sit low and breech. Everything looked good, but we have to go back next week to try to get a few more views of the heart and kidneys. She tried to check sex just for the chart and to be sure the anatomy looked good, but she couldn’t even see that! I was tempted to find out what we are having, but I guess it doesn’t matter!

08-2014-06-28 16.27.07

07-2014-06-28 16.26.55

09-2014-06-28 16.27.01

06-2014-06-28 16.27.13

05-2014-06-28 16.27.20

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Baby #2: 18 weeks (June 11, 2014) & 19 weeks (June 18, 2014)

2-2014-06-22 23.07.34

1-2014-06-12 19.32.50

I didn't get a chance to write a post for 18 weeks, but I did (remarkably) take pictures! (pregnant with Edrie at 18 weeks)

Photo thoughts: If this is what 19 weeks looks like… what is 38 weeks going to look like? I feel good, but am slightly concerned about the belly size. (ALTHOUGH, I’m over being TOLD, “you’re bigger than my friend who is due next week” as if that is something you should ever say to anyone… )I do like how all three of us are in this picture though.
Size of baby: A mango! 6 in, 8.5 oz
 Cravings/Aversions:  Been really into fresh fruit still and loving deli sandwiches… I know those are supposed to be off the list, but I feel ok about eating lunch meat when I can just as easily get sick from spinach or a food cart. Otherwise, LOVING the small sips of Grant’s beer I take here and there. Really looking forward to a cold one when this kid is on the other side!

What I'm loving: More discussions in public about the baby and feeling more and more ‘legit’ in my pregnancy. I was big so early I felt weird, but now I’m feeling like I can own it.

What I'm anticipating the most: Nesting in our new house (fingers crossed!!!) Really starting to think about what I want to gather and get and take out for this baby. Its all going to be a cluster in the last few weeks of the pregnancy, but I feel ok with that. I’ll be less ok if we aren’t back in the house…
Missing anything? Fitting in clothes. Feeling like much of what I put on these days is tight in the wrong places. My hips/butt must be enlarging because even some of my yoga pants feel uncomfortable in the butt. Often, I feel like symptoms like this kind of evolve so maybe it will improve??

Worries: 20 week ultrasound coming up and I’m really nervous they will find something. The last thing we need right now is a pregnancy complication. Beyond that I am REALLY looking forward to seeing the baby again.

Differences between pregnancies: Working. When I was pregnant with Edrie we moved early in my second trimester from the Midwest so I didn’t work at this point or further. (And I didn’t have to go back to work until she was 6 months old…) I’m starting to feel the strain after work. My tailbone is SO SORE by the end of my two-day stretch that I can barely sit down and my feet have been very sore. I also think I need to purchase come compression socks to help with my lower leg edema. They are all normal complaints of pregnancy, but just not something I am familiar with because I took it so easy with E. I think I need to do better with self-care…resting at work between pt cares, putting my feet up a bit in the middle of the night to  help with the edema, icing my feet/tailbone between shifts and after, buying the socks. I’m hoping if I work at it a bit I can feel better. I felt pretty rough after just one night this week and it made me start to worry I wouldn’t be able to work all the way through. That would be quite the kink…(edrie at 19 weeks)
How I'm feeling: Really good. Other than the things I feel during/after work I’m mostly just big. Some general exhaustion, heartburn, etc, but mostly just big and good.
Sleep: No real issues. My carpal tunnel has been better the past few weeks so I think I’m sleeping better. I also have that pillow when I need it.
Movement: Kicks are getting MUCH bigger. I’ve felt a few on the outside so I’m just holding my breath until Edrie and Grant feel one. Edrie is going to be so excited when that happens!
The Bump: Just big. Okay with it, but pretty big. People are mostly really gracious and don’t say much about it, but I get the occasional person who likes to scoff and be amazed I’m not having twins. I’ll be interested to see how much weight I’ve gained since my last appointment.  

Milestones: Getting coated in vernix and growing hair! Baby is mostly proportional and has all its just needs to GROW and develop all those parts!

Best Moment of the Week: Feeling baby kicks from the outside of my belly. Pretty amazing to have a human being growing inside of you!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Baby #2: 17 weeks (June 4, 2014)

Size of baby: An Onion! 5 ounces… I feel like we are really having a growth spurt lately

Cravings/Aversions:  Nothing is really bothering me or not. I guess I’m craving more greasy/bad for you food than anything else, but still eating and enjoying lots of healthy stuff too. I did notice that potato chips do not sit well and at this time with Edrie I had wicked heartburn, which hasn’t shown up yet. Maybe this baby will be a baldy!

What I'm loving: The big belly. Its seriously getting SO BIG. Having some growth spurts lately. Also had a few uncomfortable and emotional days making me realize I still have a long road!

What I'm anticipating the most: Summer pregnant!  No worries about sucking it in!! HA!
Missing anything? I’m over alcohol-its been so long I’m realizing I don’t even miss it anymore. I’m back to coffee daily… kind of wish I’d kick that habit.

Worries: Had a few days were I haven’t felt as many kicks and started to really worry, but I’ve always been happily surprised by a kick. When I check the heartrate with the Doppler its always right there. I’m doing that less and less – maybe every other week or so since I can feel baby.

Differences between pregnancies: Feeling good like I did with Edrie – just everything is happening sooner – bigger, carpal tunnel, etc. Glad to be avoiding the heart burn though!  Pregnant with Edrie at 17 weeks
How I'm feeling: Good, most days. I had one day last week where I felt like I remember feeling toward the end of my pregnancy with Edrie – like I couldn’t push my belly out of my lungs. Just really full and tight up high. Must have been a growth spurt day, because I’ve been feeling better. Days like that scare me because I still have 5 months! I’m also trying to start thinking about what we will need/want before baby comes and what the nursery will look like.
Sleep: Not actively or fully waking but I think my carpal tunnel is affecting me because my hands are numb in the morning and I don’t feel well rested. I bought a snoogle body pillow to help position myself a bit better and am going to try arnica cream and ice to see if they help.
Movement: Love feeling baby move and its still very obvious kicks! Helps me feel more connected and a good reminder of why I’m so big!   
The Bump: Still big and getting bigger. Its definitely firming up which I appreciate…not a big fan of huge, squishy belly. I’m full time in maternity clothes and loving that – they are so comfortable! Makes up for the discomfort that pregnancy brings!

Milestones: Turning cartilage into bone and starting to make sweat glands!

Best Moment of the Week: When Edrie asks to ‘cuddle with my baby’ its so cute. She wraps herself around my belly and talks about the baby and how she wishes it would come out. She is fully convinced it’s a girl… gonna be a bit of a turn around if it’s a boy!   

Baby #2: 16 weeks (May 28, 2014)

1-2014-06-10 22.13.19

Size of baby: An Avocado! 4.5inches and 3.5 ounces! Getting bigger!

Cravings/Aversions:  I’m just really into food. I want to eat all day. Still figuring out what works for lunch and I NEED to work on making dinners more. The kitchen in this apartment sicks me out and doesn’t encourage cooking. Plus, we can’t grill here – we have to get food to grill at the house so we aren’t doing it very much.

What I'm loving: Feeling legitimately pregnant. I was so big so early I almost felt like I was faking it. Now it feels more warranted. I also love that Edrie totally gets this whole thing. She’s still wrapping her head around why baby can’t come out, but she totally gets that we are having a baby and that its already impacting her/our life.

What I'm anticipating the most: Getting to enjoy our new house with all FOUR of us. I can’t imagine how different it will feel to be in our house this time around. Its going to feel so clean. I never decorated or did much with Edrie on the floor because everything felt so impermanent and dirty. I think it will feel much more homey and CLEAN. Can’t wait.
Missing anything? Not really. Feeling good about coffee again so I can’t really complain.

Worries: Been more worried about something big and bad showing up at the 20 week ultrasound. Or something happening after that. I think that has a lot to do with my work – I just see all the possibilities and I know they are rare, but I don’t know what we will do if something happens to us. I already always feel like we are maxing out our stress level.

Differences between pregnancies: Just that I’m bigger than I was with her and its hard to think specifically about this babe. All day is all about Edrie so my evenings are the only times I have think on baby and half the time I’m too tired, other days I’m at work, and then there are the rare nights I spend searching double strollers, dreaming up a nursery. Pregnant with E at 16 weeks.
How I'm feeling: Good. Still having numb hands and night and they feel tight and puffy in the morning. I better start knitting for this kid or my hands will be incapable! My tailbone is really tender feeling – which is new for me. I was really emotional mid-week…ups and downs come out of the blue when I’m pregnant. I HATE thinking about having another c-section.  Just tired of surgeries. It will be my third abdominal surgery in 3 years and with more kids that number will just keep creeping up. I had an appointment and had the same conversation I’ve had with the OB before and she confirmed that if I go into labor and its quick and baby is ready to come out before they get set-up for a section she will deliver me, but there is no safe way to labor with that scar at the top of my uterus. I’ve seen what happens when a uterus ruptures and baby outcomes are not good. Mama outcomes are bad too. Just hard to think about surgery every time you want a baby. In general, my biggest risk from that scar is preterm labor and that really freaks me out more than the idea of a c-section. I just need to pray baby doesn’t realize the scar is there.
Sleep: No complaints!  
Movement: About halfway through this week I started feeling legitimate KICKS. They are not super often but they are unmistakable. I’ve been snacking on popscicles and frozen blueberries in bed at night and baby really starts getting going when the cold hits. So funny.  
The Bump: BIG and round. People at work just laugh at me. I must have the weakest abs in all of history. I’ve been thinking about how I’m going to work on that more after this baby is out

Milestones: Has finger and toenails! Is covered in lanugo and has tastebuds!!

Best Moment of the Week: Big kicks… keep ‘em coming babe!!  

August 2013: The Meenderings Come to Town

 I almost died when Jess called to tell me she had a conference in Portland and that she was bringing her whole crew! We hadn't seen eachother in YEARS and I'd yet to meet Grifynn! We had a great week together - we spent a windy day at the Oregon Coast, some great dinners out (that we survived with 3 kids!), and even had a reunion BBQ with our old UO Crew. I so wish we got to see them more, but we always vow that after our kids are grown or at least older, we will make more trips and visits! You can scroll through the pics above to see our full week! 

Friday, May 30, 2014

Aug 2013: Camping at Timothy Lake

I'd never been to Timothy Lake, but I AM IN LOVE. I seriously can't wait to go back there and I hope when we do we have a kayak or canoe, because it was all I could do to resist stealing a boat to go out on the beautiful water! Grant and Ethan had the idea to spend a weekend camping out here...I was skeptical because they didn't really know where they were going and they were going out early in the morning and us ladies were meeting up later after they secured a camp site (there are no reservable spots here). Anyway, long story short - I thought I was going to run out of gas alone in the car with Edrie in the middle of the woods without phone service, but we all eventually found eachother and had an amazing weekend! I'm kind of obsessed with the pictures from this trip so bear with me... 


 she is happiest when we are camping and she can be off-leash all weekend! 




I'm in love with the foggy early morning lake. So perfect!





















Thursday, May 29, 2014

Aug 2013: Jill's Bachelorette

Jill and I met in FOURTH grade. Its hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that we have been friends for so long, but its true. She is a tried and true friend who knows me better than most and still puts up with me. We can still laugh so hard it hurts and cry at the drop of a hat. I was lucky enough to get to go to her wedding festivities last summer. We spent a weekend in a fabulous beach house with all her closest girls for her bachelorette party. It was my first weekend away from Edrie and we were still nursing so it was kind of hard, but we all had a great time! Scroll through the pictures above to see the fun!

July 2013: Oxbow Dinner Date

back to an attempt to get the blog up-to-date...


I fell in love with Oxbow Park on the Sandy River last summer - its close enough to home to spend the day or evening there, but also feels like a little retreat. The only bummer is that Olive can't join us there. Anyway, one evening last summer we took our little grill, some dinner fixings, and ourselves out for dinner on the river. It was magical. I hope we get to do it again this summer...




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Baby #2: 14 & 15 Weeks

1-2014-05-22 18.22.11
  1-2014-05-10 18.15.26-1

I never got around to writing a post last week. But it was more of the same – gradual increase in size, gradually feeling less queasy and starting to feel some flutters! 

2-2014-05-28 23.58.50

Photo thoughts: Continue to get bigger! Feeling more like I’m not totally HUGE for how far along I am, but maybe I’m kidding myself?
Size of baby: An Orange! About 4 inches crown to rump!

Cravings/Aversions: Feeling SO MUCH BETTER! No real issues with food. I’m eating more regularly and not as ravenously, coffee is back in the rotation full force. A barista asked me if I wanted my latte decaf…I scoffed. Baby can deal so mama can survive ;) I still love fruit, but no other big cravings.
What I'm loving: People asking more and more about baby – they must be confident I’m pregnant. Talking and thinking more about plans, names, nurseries, and deciding we won’t find out the sex. It feels good to have that decision made! Oh and I went maternity clothes shopping ALONE on Mother’s Day and it was SO nice. I got a good starter wardrobe that feels much better than I felt before. I got a pair of skinny jeans and a swim suit. I never had a swim suit when I was pregnant with Edrie, but I’m excited to feel covered up when I take E to the river and pool this year! I also snagged a few tanks and a skirt!

What I'm anticipating the most: HOLDING THIS KID! One of my best friends had her second last week and I’m dying seeing her as a mother of two. Can’t wait to be in that boat. I’m really excited to see Edrie as a big sister and to do the newborn thing again with Grant. The sleeplessness sucks, but the squishy newborn that has no real opinion will make up for it.
Missing anything? Just the drinking. Its so hard for me to not have A DRINK when we go out or when its been a long day. Everything else I don’t really ascribe to – I still eat lunch meat occasionally, still have coffee, etc, so its just alcohol. Soon I’ll miss being able to see my lower half, but that’s not yet an issue.

Worries: That we won’t be back in our house in time for baby or in time for us to feel settled before the baby comes. It would not be the end of the world, but it would make life less calm. This apartment is totally doable, but not ideal and making room for another living being would be difficult.

Differences between pregnancies: Feeling more and more like I remember being with Edrie. I feel great. I know it’s the second trimester and everyone feels good, but its good to feel good! (Pregnancy #1 14weeks/15weeks)
How I'm feeling: Really great. Huge, but otherwise good. And I feel like my face is already puffing out. SCARY. I’m also feeling like carpal tunnel is coming back. I had it bad with Edrie and it started by waking up in the middle of the night with numb hands. I had a few instances of that this week so I’m not looking forward to that.  
Sleep: Great… sleeping great during the day between shifts and when I flip back I sleep well at night. I took a nap while Edrie napped in the stroller today and it was seriously amazing. Just an hour makes such a difference.
Movement: DEFINITLY feeling little flutters. I have to be focusing and they are small, but there. SO FUN! Can not wait for G and E to feel them.
The Bump: Its starting to get firm on the bottom as my uterus grows out of the pelvis. Makes it feel less like chub and more like BABY!
both my babes...she is going to have a nice resting place the bigger I get!  

Milestones: Baby is breathing amniotic fluid in and out of his little lungs now! So mature of it!

Best Moment of the Week: Feeling baby move has been so great. I haven’t felt as connected to baby because I’m more distracted and don’t have as much time to dream, but the flutters remind me someone is in there. I like the reminder!!